Code of ethics and Model 231

Legislative Decree 231/2001 introduced into Italian law the administrative responsibility of entities, for certain offences connected to their interests or benefit, on the part of persons holding top management positions or persons who report to or are supervised by the same.

In order to ensure the prevention of the offences contemplated in the Decree, Arvedi Tubi Acciaio has adopted its own Organization, Management and Control Model («Model»), approved by the Board of Directors on 19th September 2012 and subsequent updates.

An integral part of the Model is the Code of Ethics; this document contains the ethical principles and general rules which, in the same way as legal, regulatory and contractual ones, characterize the organization of the company.

Arvedi Tubi Acciaio also requires all those who interact with it (eg. suppliers, customers, commercial partners, etc.) to respect conduct in line with the general principles of the Code of Ethics, respecting specific religious, cultural and social aspects.

The Board of Directors of Arvedi Tubi Acciaio has set up a Supervisory Board («OdV»), empowered to take autonomous action and control, with the aim of supervising the operation and observance of the Model and promote its constant updating.

Model 231

Code of Ethics