Arvedi Group: three new members of the Board of Directors
The president Giovanni Arvedi recently announced a historical change of the company's governance: the opening of the Board of Directors to three new independent members, chosen for their skills, technical expertise and management experience.

Claudio Costamagna
Past president of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, he will take care of the M&A operations.
Commenting on his new role he said: “I will make available to the Board of Directors my experience in order to foster the continuous exchange among the family, the managers and the independent members of the Board. I think this will be very useful for the characteristic positioning of the Arvedi Group”.

Marco Mangiagalli
Former top manager in ENI, he will give his contribution in the corporate finance.
Commenting on this new role, he said: “I accepted with delight the proposal of Giovanni Arvedi, who is an inspiring and forward-looking entrepreneur, in a key moment for the company: the generational handover. I support his choice to operate toward circular and green economy. I will make available the experience I developed in the corporate governance and finance within big groups. I wish this could help reach the future goals of the Group."

Carlo Mapelli
Professor at Polytechnic of Milan, he will give his support in developing new technological solutions.
Commenting on this new role, he said: "I will help innovating the production process, in order to answer to the growing change of markets’ needs. I will also give my contribution to the research and development of new solutions to cut emission, reduce waste and increase recycle. I am really honored to work with Giovanni Arvedi, who has always had a deep awareness of these needs, developing his technology, and particularly the ESP, according to sustainable principles”.